Friday, June 5, 2009

New Kid: Zachary Quinto

Remember nearly three years ago, when Heroes first season was terrific television? Hiro and Claire were two of the breakout character that first year, but Sylar provided more chills than most of the rest of the cast combined. Sylar was a mystery at first, but it turned out he was a young, eerie young man with a penchant for brains...eating them. Sylar could absorb other people's special powers in that way, which made him especially frightening and threatening.

Turned out, Sylar was played by a kid from Greentree named Zachary Quinto. He graduated from Central Catholic High School (about 15 years after its other famous alumnus Dan Marino) and from Carnegie Mellon University. While he was completely unknown to me, he'd been on a bunch of TV shows, and spent most of a season playing Adam Kaufman on 24.

I particularly enjoyed Quinto that first year of Heroes because he played dangerous so well. I didn't like Sylar since he seemed to have reformed at one point. I think that helped to suck the life out of the show.

When he was cast as Spock in Star Trek the reboot, it seemed like a good choice. I thought he played Spock perfectly. He really caught both the smarts and the usually inner angst of Spock. Leonard Nimoy, who knows Spock better than anyone, observed that Quinto brought a real intelligence to the part, that you knew something was always going on behind his eyes.

Quinto is one of those savvy young actors who is going to have a huge career.

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